This project aims to create a cat bed that is beautiful and inexpensive.
In addition, all parts can be print without supports and require less than 60g of pla in total.
I'm also including photos to help with step-by-step assembly.
List of printed parts :
- 6x - joint-bottom-v0
- 6x - joint-top-v0
List of other parts :
- 8 meter(25feets) – Rope
- 1x - Hot glue stick
- 10x - Tie-wrap
- 1x - pet blanket
- 12x – wood dowel 3/8 ‘’ (9.5mm) diameter by 12’’ (30.5mm) long (can be buy for cheep at your local dollar store or on amazon)
Assembly step: (each step has a picture to help you understand)
- Assemble 4 pieces of wood with 2 joint-top-v0 and 2 joint-bottom-v0 as you see in the picture of step 1. Put hot glue in the hole to stick the pieces of wood in the printed pieces.
- Repeat step 1, taking care to cross the pieces of wood in the right place as you can see in the photo of step 2
- Repeat step 1, taking care to cross the pieces of wood in the right place as you can see in the photo of step 3
- Rotate the pieces assembled in step 2 and 3 to place them in the same way as they appear in the photo of step 4.
- Add tie-wraps to all the places where the pieces of wood touch each other.
- Tie the rope the same way as you see in the photo of step 6. It will help to support the animal blanket.
- Add the cover. In my version I use a blanket crocheted by my talented sister. Not everyone can crochet this kind of blanket, so you can just use an animal blanket instead.
- Let your cat enjoy it. (yes, those cats have lots of beds)
If you have any questions about the project or the build, feel free to ask them in the comments. Suggestions for improving the project are also welcome in the comments.
Have fun !
Bonus: the bed now has 6 sides instead of 5. So your cat can no longer summon a demon during the night 😉
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.