Currently recommended to be printed with PETG
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
8.00 g
In the contest Last Meters
updated May 13, 2022



Printed on a Mini with a 0.25mm nozzle, Prusament Jet Black and Orange PETG. Absolutely perfect fit. Great design!

Printed well. But the SD Card just falls out. Going to try reducing the size. The words "RESEARCH" don't show up very well with a 0.4 mm nozzle. (edited)

Reducing the size to 98% made it fit perfectly. Going to 97% would probably give you the best fit though

@BrandonYoung4D I've adjusted the size by 0.2mm. matching the size of a redesign I've been adjusting. That one seemed to fit a little better.

Printed in PLA. Also had issue with fitting.
Could not get the extruding connectors to fit inspite of reaming the holes. I finally clipped them off!
Also, the card stayed in the holder, but not in the tag part... Just the opposite of what is ideal. I evientually just glued the tag onto the cards!
I like the rectangle area to label with either Sharpie or small label. If remixing (not allowed!) I would add my own printed label using NetFabb.
All in all, worth the shortcomings...maybe it was just my materials and printer? (MK3S+) (edited)

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@Quesabyte I used PLA, looks like you may have used PETg? I did not try the double sided tape (could not find any on hand!). The glued seems to be working just fine. I did NOT use supports. Did not seem needed or even advisable.

@RayFox yes, first time with PETG on hand, so I wanted to use it. I think supports are needed for the small teeth on ether side. I have some PLA, whe. I redesign I’ll try printing them in that.

printed great printed this with a .4 nozzle (edited)

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@Quesabyte I did that with the first issue as well.

@Honza I’m not sure then. I’ve printed around 10, and they all fit multiple SD Cards.

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