SD Card Tag

Printed in PLA. Also had issue with fitting.
Could not get the extruding connectors to fit inspite of reaming the holes. I finally clipped them off!
Also, the card stayed in the holder, but not in the tag part... Just the opposite of what is ideal. I evientually just glued the tag onto the cards!
I like the rectangle area to label with either Sharpie or small label. If remixing (not allowed!) I would add my own printed label using NetFabb.
All in all, worth the shortcomings...maybe it was just my materials and printer? (MK3S+) (edited)

June 9, 2022 at 12:34 AM


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@RayFox yes, first time with PETG on hand, so I wanted to use it. I think supports are needed for the small teeth on ether side. I have some PLA, whe. I redesign I’ll try printing them in that.

@Quesabyte I used PLA, looks like you may have used PETg? I did not try the double sided tape (could not find any on hand!). The glued seems to be working just fine. I did NOT use supports. Did not seem needed or even advisable.

@RayFox Maybe the material? I think the sd grip bit might need some work but aside from that... I've printed heaps of them. Did you use supports?

I originally started the design because I wanted a flush grip. I think I'll have a look at a redesign at some point in the future. (edited)