A set of models designed to hold a UCTRONICS 7 Inch TouchScreen for use with Klipper via KlipperScreen on my Ender 5
updated May 3, 2022



This set of models was designed originally as a case for a UCTRONICS 7 Inch TouchScreen to be used with KlipperScreen on my FLSUN Super Racer. KlipperScreen however didn't support vertical orientation, so the project was scrapped. It has now however been revived for use on my Ender 5 that will soon be undergoing the Klipper Treatment. 

This mount and case were designed so that they should fit well on any 3D printer that utilizes 2020 aluminum extrusion where the top and front of the extrusion are exposed and easily reachable. 

For the bill of materials, you will need the following:
10x M3-0.5 (4mm Depth) Heat-Set Threaded Inserts (For Case Front Plate interior)
4x M3x6 Screws (For Mounting Screen)
7x M3x8 Screws (For Case Back Plate, One for Mounting Plate Rear Fin)
4x M3x14 Screws (For Mounting Plate to Side of Rail)
5x M3 T Nuts
1x UCTRONICS 7 Inch IPS Touch Screen (You will need the HDMI adapter)
2x USB A to Micro USB Type B Cables (Length will vary for your needs)
1x Raspberry Pi (Any Klipper Compatible Version w/ HDMI; Recommend 3B+ or 4)

Need only one:
1x Female to Male HDMI Cable
1x HDMI Female to Female Adapter AND 1x Male to Male HDMI Cable

Optional: Cable Management Wraps


In order to assemble, you'll need to place the 10 heat-set inserts into the FacePlate with a soldering iron or some other equivalent heating element, placing four near the hole at the bottom for the screen, and six at the top of the case for integrating with the Backplate. Once this is done, all you have to do is orient the screen so that the USB ports face the oval cutout in the side of the case, affixing it to the case with four M3x6 screws. There is a small overhang that can be used for small zip ties to hold the cables or a cable wrap/sleeve in place easier if you wish to try using it. The HDMI adapter that arrives with the screen will be plugged into the HDMI port at the read of the screen to raise and reverse it so that either a Female to Male HDMI cable or a Female to Female adapter can be installed and then also fed out of the oval hole at the side. Then, you can install the backplate once everything inside is hooked up properly with the M3x8 screws, making sure that the heads of the screws are flush with the surface of the Back Plate (don't forget to test before closing, just in case!). Then, you can mount the Mounting Plate to your machine, using the oversized access holes to slide your M3x14 screws through and affix a T Nut to the end of each. You can also place a M3x8 screw into the fin at the rear of the mounting plate. This one cannot affix the T Nut on right away unless you have full access to the side of your extrusion. Unless that is the case, you'll simply need to lay the last T Nut on the top side of the extrusion and line it up with the screw and begin tightening to engage it. Once all T Nuts are affixed and your alignment is good enough for you, you can begin to tighten everything down. The screen simply sits in the tray of the mounting plate without any keyed or locking mechanisms.

More Photos Coming Soon™


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
