Hello...I'm new to puzzles so I'm trying to figure this out. Everything printed and went together great. My question, however, is the point of the puzzle to take everything apart? Or are you supposed to be able to get to the compartments without removing pieces? If I try to solve it by unassembling, side 3 is only relevant to remove the stopper and I never do anything with the rack and pinion to solve the puzzle.
@GogoNJDevil_281385 Hey! I'm glad you were able to get it together easily! Unfortunately I've gotten a lot of feedback that this design just doesn't seem to work on a lot of printers.
I think you have the right idea, the goal is supposed to be to reach the compartments, and that's SUPPOSED to require you to take it fully apart. Lots of people seem to have issues with the six plate sliding right over the rack which is letting them bypass several steps. I'm guessing that's probably what's happening with yours too.
I'm not sure why it's causing people issues, since it prints nice and tight whenever I try...if you have any insight I'd love to hear it!
Hello...I'm new to puzzles so I'm trying to figure this out. Everything printed and went together great. My question, however, is the point of the puzzle to take everything apart? Or are you supposed to be able to get to the compartments without removing pieces? If I try to solve it by unassembling, side 3 is only relevant to remove the stopper and I never do anything with the rack and pinion to solve the puzzle.
@GogoNJDevil_281385 Hey! I'm glad you were able to get it together easily! Unfortunately I've gotten a lot of feedback that this design just doesn't seem to work on a lot of printers.
I think you have the right idea, the goal is supposed to be to reach the compartments, and that's SUPPOSED to require you to take it fully apart. Lots of people seem to have issues with the six plate sliding right over the rack which is letting them bypass several steps. I'm guessing that's probably what's happening with yours too.
I'm not sure why it's causing people issues, since it prints nice and tight whenever I try...if you have any insight I'd love to hear it!