This is a Sequential Discovery Puzzle Box I designed with 23 moves and 2 internal compartments.
updated April 19, 2022



Awesome SD puzzle box! I love how many unique moves have been fit into such a small package.

I also encountered the problem other makers have reported where the six side was able to slide off early, so have uploaded a remix that fixed this for me. Hopefully this is helpful!

Hello...I'm new to puzzles so I'm trying to figure this out. Everything printed and went together great. My question, however, is the point of the puzzle to take everything apart? Or are you supposed to be able to get to the compartments without removing pieces? If I try to solve it by unassembling, side 3 is only relevant to remove the stopper and I never do anything with the rack and pinion to solve the puzzle.

@GogoNJDevil_281385 Hey! I'm glad you were able to get it together easily! Unfortunately I've gotten a lot of feedback that this design just doesn't seem to work on a lot of printers.

I think you have the right idea, the goal is supposed to be to reach the compartments, and that's SUPPOSED to require you to take it fully apart. Lots of people seem to have issues with the six plate sliding right over the rack which is letting them bypass several steps. I'm guessing that's probably what's happening with yours too.

I'm not sure why it's causing people issues, since it prints nice and tight whenever I try...if you have any insight I'd love to hear it!

@Bupster Strange. Could you post some pictures from the 5-dotted side? I want to see how the tabs on the 6 interact with the Core. That's what holds it in place for me

the second and last picture show my problem, But great puzzle!

@Bupster Oh strange, I don't understand why mine doesn't do that. Could you take a picture from the 5 side with the 5 plate removed? I'm hoping that seeing the connection between the 6 and the core could help me figure it out.

the puzzle works great but the tolerances were a little loose for me so the six dotted side started to fall off too early.

@Bupster Oh hmm that's interesting. I've heard that from another person, but it always works smoothly on my printer so I'm not sure exactly what's going on. Could you attach a picture/video for me to see what you mean?

Unfortunately I'm away from home for the next couple weeks so I don't have easy access to my computer and files. I may be able to figure something out but no promises...

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