Creality Halot One Resin Vat Drain Stand

This is a resin vat drain stand for the Creality Halot One.
updated March 31, 2022



This is a resin vat drain stand for the Creality Halot One. It features a height-adjustable funnel holder, and the vat holder is height-adjustable as well. The locking knob holes are designed for heat-set threaded inserts, and the knobs are designed to fit an M5 cap screw.

I designed this for 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC pipe, but I have also included a 3D-printable pipe design that will fit together in case you do not have access to US-style PVC pipe. I recommend printing 4 of these segments, and slipping them together with a dab of CA glue to secure them to each other.

To clean the lettering off of the white PCV pipe, wipe it down with acetone or nail polish remover.

**NOTE** Depending on your printer's tolerances, you may need to lightly sand the inside of the pipe-mount hole on the Funnel Holder, Stand Base, and Vat Holder. I did not have to sand on my test print, but you may have to.  

This design may fit other resin vats of similar size, but I would verify this first.

The entire assembly will fit on a standard Prusa i3 MK2s Bed if you want to print it all at once.

*Note: This post contains Amazon Affiliate links that support The Makers Workbench via a small commission from any sales they help generate.

Design Files Included: .stl, .f3d, .skp, and ,step files for Fusion360, Sketchup, and other 3D design programs.

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I have only tested this model using the 0.35mm FAST preset in Prusa Slic3r 2.2.0 with the following amendments made. All measurements assume you are printing the full parts list with 2-knobs, 4-pole pieces, and 2-knob caps. 

  • 0.40mm nozzle
  • 6-perimeters
  • 4-top layers
  • 4-bottom layers
  • 15% infill
  • CubicPattern
  • Monotonic Top and Bottom Pattern

Print time for the full plate on a stock Prusa i3 MK2s is about 24-hours and uses an estimated 266-grams of PLA filament. This can be greatly sped up using more refined settings in your slicing program, or with a larger nozzle.

Print time for just the Stand Base, Funnel Holder, Vat Holder, 2x Knobs, 2x Knob Caps, and 1x Pipe cap is 7-hours 48-minutes. Using the same settings above.

PLA Used: Polymaker Polylite PLA

Creality Halot One Resin Printer


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
