24 slot USB Thumb Drive Organizer with TweakTown.com logo

I worked for TweakTown.com and was requested to design a 24x Thumbdrive organizer for one of the reviewers. Here it is!
4h 43m
1× print file
0.35 mm
0.40 mm
108.00 g
updated March 31, 2022



I worked for TweakTown.com previously and was requested to design a 24x Thumb drive organizer for one of the reviewers. Here it is! I have a second version of this holder that has been updated and does not include the logo. You can find it here

I have tested this model with the following thumb drives, but it will work with any standard USB thumbdrive: 

*Note: This post contains Amazon Affiliate links that support The Makers Workbench via a small commission from any sales they help generate.

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I have only tested this model using the default 0.35mm Fast preset in Prusa Slic3r 2.2.0 with the following amendments made.

  • 3-perimeters
  • 3-top layers
  • 3-bottom layers
  • 20% infill
  • Cubic Infill pattern
  • Monotonic Top and Bottom Pattern

PLA Used: Polymaker Polylite PLA - https://amzn.to/3mTrbuU 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
