This is a modified version of the Bento Mini Cradle. The default cradle is kind of high and takes up a large part of the V0 side panel, which is likely good for air circulation around the bed but prevents the use of clip-in lights (i.e. Daylight On a Stick).
This is an extreme low profile modified version of the original cradle, which mounts the Bento Mini essentially right on the extrusion. This allows clearance for lighting.
Due to the low profile nature, the cradle is now printed as two pieces. Assembly is the same as original- mount both sides to the Bento with M3 screws, and then install on the rail.
The one downside is that a slight shadow is still cast when the bed drops far down below the top edge of the Bento Mini, but I believe this is a small compromise for being able to run both the Bento and LEDs.
The author remixed this model.
Modified Bento Mini Cradle to be as low profile as possible.
Now printed as two parts. Attach these to the sides of the Bento Mini before installation in V0 (basically same as original).