I recently bought 4 of 8bitdo's Ultimate 2C controllers for Steam Deck party games, and wanted a way to store them safely when transporting. So I remixed Whity's rugged box to do so!
(May fit other 8bitdo receivers. These are my first ones, so I can't confirm. The plastic part is 8.08mm by 18.3mm by 30.4mm)
With the pre-exported STLs, the receivers should fit a teeny bit loose. I glued a piece of foam to the top of the box, to prevent rattle and fall-out. If you don't have foam, you can print the “flush” version of the top instead. (They may still rattle, but at least should stay in place next time you open the case)
I'd recommend cutting up the base, and printing a single slot so you can test fit the receiver.
I wish I could've made the lid shorter/thinner, but it was starting to mess with the other features, so I got it as short as comfortable and filled/fixed a few features that broke.
Included is the f360 file, so you can modify if needed. Such as changing the offset of the receiver holder so they're a bit looser or tighter. Or push/pulling the inside of the lid to fit a piece of foam you already have.
(If you want to modify the regular version of the lid, move the timeline slider back 2 steps. The included f360 file has the “flush” version of the lid as the final modifications.
The author remixed this model.
Customized to fit 4x 8BitDo receivers, with room for fingers to grab them.