Generic Clock Face

This is just a generic clock face, I used Mosaic Canvas to stamp a photo onto it. The model does not include the photo.
updated December 26, 2021



*** This clock is too big for the Prusa MK3, it will require a print bed size of around 300mm ***


  This is just a generic clock face that I made in order to ‘stamp’ a photo onto it using Mosaic Canvas, and then printed with the Palette.  It should work with any version if you wish to do this yourself.

  Version 1 of the clock face is just a generic clock that I designed to fit an inexpensive clock mechanism that I found on Amazon.  This clock mechanism comes with a part that makes it easy to hang on the wall.

  Version 2 is for other clock mechanisms that may not fit, or do not have a part for hanging on the wall, I've not tried this version yet, so if you print this, and it works, please let me know.  Or if it doesn't work, let me know so I can make the necessary changes. 

  This will print easy facing down, no supports are needed. 

  The diameter of the hole in the middle of the clock for the mechanism to fit through is 8mm.  This might help you find a clock mechanism other than the one I have linked above. 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
