What bones do I need to print and how many?
What bones do I need to print and how many?
@sharkray11_2476072 If I remember correctly, I kept my infill at a pretty standard 15% and I used a little less than two rolls (I think)
@jakmar_2365756 I just ran all the files in my slicer and at 10% infill it takes about 34hours 17mins and 270meters of filament for 300%, wish I could go higher but that's maxed out.
making this for my science project in a few weeks, will upload a photo, planning to print around 350 to 500 percent.
@sharkray11_2476072 Awesome! For the large one that I printed, I scaled everything up to around 350%. This allowed me to max out my Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus build plate (350x350) without having to cut any of the bones to fit. Over all, 350-400% makes it around 4 feet tall
did not work well
@HughJanis_2697914 what settings did you use ? I can't seem to get it to print right
@MedR_542343 presision or normal setting on ankermake m5c with snug supports,might have had z lift on .10 for the supports
how much did you size every thing up to ?
@odepdep1_1485266 I actually can't remember the exact percentage. I have an Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus. I just scaled up the ribcage until it was just big enough to fill up my build plate. I think it was around 350%. That was the biggest piece, so everything else fit and I didn't have to cut/glue anything.
cool print im am trying to print a big one i will post pictures when its done (edited)
@LeonardKessl_1201110 its going good i still have the arms and hands to print
@LeonardKessl_1201110 oh and if you use petg it might be tricky pla is best to print with we dont know if our petg but the sockets can be britttle but we dont know if its just our petg but i recomend using pla (edited)