Exploring "507 Mechanical Movements" with 3D Models

These are some 3D models inspired by the book "507 Mechanical Movements".
In the contest Education Tools
10 k
updated December 12, 2024



Spoiler: I have not created 507 models; the name refers to the book “507 Mechanical Movements” by Henry T. Brown from 1868. The book is also available as an online version with animations. You should definitely take a look at it.

Such books are extremely helpful for finding inspiration in design problems. But even better than graphics are haptic movement models, on which pupils and students can try out the mechanisms in practice.

These 3D models capture the essence of the original movements, allowing for interactive exploration and understanding of the mechanical principles behind them.




The numbers of the models correspond to the numbers in the book. 
This number is also always embossed into the models. 

The yellow part is the one that should be moved. In some cases, other components can also be moved.

No. 1 & 2:


A classic belt drive is utilized in many applications. Belt drives come in various forms, including flat belts, round belts, and the most commonly used type, the V-belt. These belts exhibit some slip, which means that when an engine starts up strongly, the belt may slip slightly on the pulley. This characteristic allows for a smoother startup compared to other solutions.


In this model, I have used a rubber band as the belt. The belt can also be tensioned crosswise, enabling the driven pulley to rotate in the opposite direction.

Model files plus two rivets.



No. 24:


Gear wheels offer high positioning accuracy.
When designing, it should be noted that only the same tooth sizes can be combined with each other. These sizes are called module. The pitch diameter is crucial for determining the spacing between the gears.
Different gear sizes create a transmission ratio, which alters the speed between the input and output.
The shape of the teeth is also particularly interesting. This is called an involute. This shape causes the teeth to roll over each other.


The gear wheels on the model have 30 and 15 teeth. This means that the small gear wheel rotates twice as fast as the large one.

Model files plus two rivets.



No. 25:


With bevel gears, the rotational movement is deflected by an angle, usually 90°. In addition, gear wheels of different sizes can be used, creating a transmission ratio as with normal gear wheels. The angles between the teeth of the gears are important here. 


The model has gears with 45 and 15 teeth, resulting in a gear ratio of 1:3.

Model files plus two rivets.




No. 31:


A worm gearbox typically has a very high transmission ratio. The worm must rotate around its axis as many times as there are teeth on the driven wheel. There are also worm gears with several threads. This changes the transmission ratio accordingly.
The driven wheel is self-locking in such gear units.  
Also note that the teeth of the gearwheel are at an angle. This angle corresponds to the thread pitch. 


The gear wheel has 20 teeth, which means you have to turn the worm 20 times until the gear wheel has rotated once around its own axis. 

It is not easy to fasten the rivet in this model. The best way to do this is to press them in upside down with a pen.

The worm wheel consists of three individual parts. This is necessary so that the thread flanks are printed properly. The individual parts must be glued together with superglue.

Model files plus one rivet.



No. 34:


A ring gear is essentially a gear wheel turned inwards. This enables a space-saving arrangement of the gears. However, the outer gear wheel must be considerably larger than the inner one. This principle is used in a planetary gear (No. 55). 


The outer gear wheel has 60 teeth and the inner one has 20, which means that the transmission has a ratio of 3:1.

During assembly, the outer gear must be fitted together with the pin. The smaller gear can then be inserted.

Model files plus one rivet.



No. 50:


With a universal joint, a rotary movement can be guided around a flexible angle. This is why these systems are used on trailers with all-wheel drive. The first recorded use of this system is from 1354, it was used in a church clock.


At the moment you should still turn the green part, otherwise the joint will be pulled out of the base. I will improve this.





No. 55:


Planetary gearboxes are very impressive. They have different ratios depending on which part is not rotating. They also usually have high transmission ratios, and these can be increased even further by building several in series. Planetary gears are used in hand drills, for example. I have also heard that they have recently been used in printer extruders ;)


The ring gear (violet) has 100 teeth, and the sun gear (green) has 24 teeth. This results in the following transmission ratios:

Drive (green): Sun pinion
Output (yellow+black): Planet carrier
Rigid (purple): Ring gear

Drive (violet): Ring gear

Output (yellow+black): planet carrier
Rigid (green): Sun pinion

Drive (green): Sun pinion
Output (purple): ring gear
Rigid (yellow+black): Planet carrier
1:-4,167 (- means it runs backwards)

I glued the pins for the planet carrier to the carrier with superglue. I also put some grease on the tooth flanks so that the gearbox runs more smoothly.

Model files plus three rivets.



No. 56:


This model is a gearbox that can be switched on and off. The lever can be used to move the upper gear wheel so that the teeth no longer interlock.


The gears are the same as on No. 24. The lever must be pushed completely into the end position.

Model files plus two rivets.





No. 74:


The shaft is always rotated alternately forwards and then backwards by the half bevel gear. In the original drawing, two individual bevel gears are used. This setup is also possible, simply use the small bevel gear from No. 25 and two additional rivets.


When assembling, you must ensure that the shaft holders are inserted correctly. The shorter end must point in the direction of the half bevel gear. As these holders always lift up when turning, I glued them in place with superglue.

Model files plus one rivet.




No. 90:


A rotating excenter directs a ploil into a linear movement. In this version, the eccentric glides over a surface.


To install the rivet, it can be placed on a pen, and then the part can be installed upside down.

Model files plus one rivet.






No. 92:


This is a classic crank movement. The same principle is used in an internal combustion engine. The only difference is that a disk is used here instead of a crankshaft.


Model files plus three rivets.







No. 93:


Similar to No90, an eccentric movement converts a rotation into a linear movement.
The difference is that the drive pulley runs centrically and an eccentric pin creates the linear stroke.


The yellow crank is printed in two parts. First the yellow disk is mounted, then the green crank and after that insert the yellow handle. 

Only model files.




No. 97:


This cam disk has the shape of a heart, in fact the shape is formed from an evenly increasing spiral, which is mirrored halfway through. But it is called a heart cam because of its shape. 
The constant spiral shape creates a very linear movement.


To construct a spiral on a circular surface, first draw several circles whose radii increase evenly by the same amount. At the same time, the circular surface is divided into several equally sized pie slices. The spiral starts in the middle and moves outwards, passing to the next larger circle with each new segment. This creates an even spiral. After the halfway point, the shape is mirrored.

Model files plus one rivet.






No. 100:


A rotating movement is converted into an oscillating movement. It is remarkable that if the driver is close to the pivot point of the lever, the back and forth movement is faster than if it is on the opposite side.


Model files plus two rivets.







No. 103:


This is a classic spindle drive. The Z-axis of 3D printers, for example, is driven in this way, and this principle is also used in vices.


The spindle is made from two pieces and glued together with superglue. This can then be pressed into the holder and the carriage is then screwed onto it.
I used a trapezoidal thread as this has a higher pitch than a standard thread. With this thread, the slide moves by 3 mm with one turn. It would only be 2 mm with a standard thread. 

Only model files.




No. 106:


A groove in a rotating shaft leads to a linear movement. The groove can also be designed as non-linear, allowing a wide variety of movements to be realized.


The groove is positioned at a 45° angle, resulting in a smooth movement.
The yellow shaft is in two pieces so that it can be printed more easily. It must be glued together with superglue.

Only model files.





No. 113:


This is a rack drive. In principle, a rack is a gear wheel with an infinitely large diameter, resulting in a straight line. In this case, the tooth shape of the rack will be trapezoidal. 


If necessary, the two-piece holder can be glued together.

Model files plus one rivet.







The file names are structured as follows:
No1 stands for the number from the book.
C1 stands for the color.
In my photos 
C1 = black
C2 = yellow
C3 = green 
C4 = violet 

If several parts have the same color, an index is attached.
When a part is required several times, the number is at the end. 
Here is an example: No50_C2-2x


The rivet, which is required for many models, is available in several sizes. Test out which one fits best in the models with your printer.



Print settings:

I used PETG for everything. PLA might be better for the gears, as fine structures work better with PLA. 
Parts that need to be deformed (e.g., the arms of No. 50) should better be printed out of PETG.
Support is not necessary and the parts are all in the right orientation. 




If rollers or gears are hard to turn, the first thing to do is to remove the Z-seam on the shaft with a knife. WD-40 also helps a lot.




After printing the prototypes, I made some changes. 
No. 50: The holes in the base enlarged.
No. 55: Knurl added to the outer gear wheel, number embossed.

I have planned to create more mechanics as a model.
But if you have any wishes or suggestions, please let me know.


Added No92 and No100.

Added No106.

Added No103 and No113.
After printing the prototype of the spindle, I cut (in CAD) a bit off the top of the spindle, as this caused the spindle to turn stiffly in the nut. 

Added No97.


Awarded in the contest

Education Tools
685 entries | October 2 – November 2, 2024

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
