PUMP-2000: Customizable Blaster w/ Shell-Ejection

Customizable Toy-Blaster with Shell-Ejection and printed ammo.
updated October 14, 2024



PUMP-2000: Customizable, Shell-Ejecting Toy Blaster (Plinker V3.5 Series)

This is a toy that fires a projectile! Never fire at pets or unwilling participants. This can damage drywall, use caution and protective eyewear. Never brandish this as a real weapon or bring it out in public. Just because you know it's a toy, doesn't mean other people will. Enjoy, be safe, and be smart!


DISCLAIMER:  I am an amateur self-taught designer who creates these toy for free in there spare time. If you are looking for an easy 100% reliable toy blaster, I would recommend buying a nerf/airsoft gun or checking out some of the other incredibly talented designers with beta-tested models, readily available parts-kits and much better documentation (i.e. Spyr & Sillybutts on printables). If you're still here, Thank you and I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns or constructive criticism

Introducing the PUMP-2000:

My best blaster yet, in terms of power, ease of use & assembly. This blaster boasts decent power and range, plus lots of different customization options, including a bolt-action conversion!

Features & Options:

  • Realistic Shell Ejection with printed, re-usable ammo.
  • Pump Action or Bolt-Action with minimal part changes.
  • 3 - different Magazine options.
  • Sawed-off pistol grip or Full-stock with integrated grip.
  • Printable optic.
  • Compatible with KDS-MAC & BUMP45 Ammo.


For the bare minimum required for a functional pump-action unit, using the least time and filament, please see the below list:

USAGE: 500g Filament - <20 Hours

  • Upper Frame
  • Lower Frame
  • Front Cover
  • Rear (Stockless)
  • Pistol Grip
  • Trigger
  • Striker
  • Striker Latch
  • Pump
  • Linkage Arm
  • Linkage Bar
  • Muzzle
  • Magazine Catch
  • Magazine
  • Magazine Follower
  • Magazine Base
  • Magazine Base Backing




Lower Frame3+15%Organic - HybridAny
Upper Frame3+15%Organic - HybridAny
Front Cover3+15%NoneAny
Rear (Stockless)3+15%NoneAny
Grip-Stock3+15%Organic - HybridAny
Bolt5+25%Organic - HybridPLA, PLA+, PETG, Strongest Material you can Print (No Matte or Silk)
Striker5+25%Regular - NormalPLA, PLA+, PETG, Strongest Material you can Print (No Matte or Silk)
Trigger3+15%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Magazine Catch3+15%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Pump Linkage Arm5+25%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Pump Linkage Bar5+25%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Charging Handle Linkage Bar5+25%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Charging Handle3+15%NoneAny
Pump w/ Foregrip3+15%NoneAny
Foregrip5+25%NonePLA, PLA+, PETG (No Matte or Silk)
Pistol Grip3+15%NoneAny
Long Magazine3+15%NoneAny
Magazine Follower3+15%NoneAny
Magazine Base3+15%NoneAny
Magazine Base Backing3+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine3+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine Follower3+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine Cover3+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine Linkage Bar x 83+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine Linkage Connector x 103+15%NoneAny
Drum Magazine Spring Cover3+15%NoneAny
Grip Panel x2 Mirrored3+15%NoneAny
Cheek Rest3+15%NoneAny
Stock Butt3+15%NoneAny
Stock Butt Connector Pin3+15%NoneAny
Dot Sight3+15%NoneAny
Dot Sight Reticle3+15%NoneAny

POST PROCESSING: I tried my best to ensure that no post-processing would need to be done, besides support removal, but due to the overhang in the magazine catch slot there will be some cleanup required.

MAGAZINE CATCH - Use a metal file to clean up and remove any sagging filament or remaining support material in the magazine catch slot (lower frame). Sand the sides of the magazine catch down so that it slides easily into the slot and moves backwards and forwards with minimal resistance.



Striker: If printing in PLA the tip of the striker WILL flatten overtime, reducing power and accuracy. I recommend printing it with the strongest material you can print, to avoid having to change it out with frequent use.

Bolt: The extractor on the face of the bolt is another item that I recommend printing with stronger materials if possible. If shells fail to eject or are falling through the barrel, make sure the extractor is still protruding enough to catch the notch in the bullet casings.

Ammo: Ideally, the bullet and casing should snap/friction-fit together tight enough that they wont separate when dropped, but not so tight that they cant be pulled apart by hand with a little effort. The bullets/projectiles require a fair bit of precision for a proper fit so if your machine & settings aren't well tuned you may run into fitment issues. If the bullets are to tight or loose, try printing another batch with a different filament and mix-and-match the casings and projectiles. A metal file can be used to gently shave a little material of the bottom of the bullet if fitment is consistently too tight.






Length (mm)Number NeededUsage:
M3 x 82Foregrip - Pump
M3 x 126Front Cover - Lower Frame - Upper Frame
M3 x 181Magazine Catch
M3 x 208Trigger, Striker Latch, Grip.
M3 x 252Rear, Stock
M3 Hex Nut19 


Wire Diameter: (mm)Outer Diameter: (mm)Length: (mm)Usage:Source:
0.8 -1.0 mm10 mm90 mmStrikerAliExpress or Hardware Store*
0.3 - 0.5 mm<5 mm15 mmStriker LatchBIC Mechanical Pencil/Pen
0.3 - 0.5 mm<5 mm20 mmMagazine CatchBIC Mechanical Pencil/Pen
0.8 mm10 mm75 mmShort MagazineAliExpress or Hardware Store*
0.8 mm10 mm150 mmLong MagazineAliExpress or Hardware Store*
0.8 mm10 mm195 mmDrum MagazineAliExpress or Hardware Store*

*SOURCING SPRINGS: Compression springs in the exact lengths needed will be almost impossible to find, I purchased 300 mm long springs from AliExpress and cut them down the required sizes. I have used springs from both Seiko Hardware Store and Chong-su Spring Store on AliExpress but there are many other vendors available. Use the wire diameter and outer diameter to help guide your purchase.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
