Calibration pyramid for live e-step adjustment

75mm X 25mm X 5mm calibration pyramid for e-steps live calibration
mis à jour 4 octobre 2022



This applies the excellent ideas from the excellent model to fine tuning the E-steps-per-mm


This scales the calibration pyramid by 300%x100%x20% to focus on live-adjustment of e-steps, in the vein of Stress Free First Layer Calibration or's_Calibration_Guide#E_steps -- copied here:


E Steps Fine Tuning

Now, with everything very close to ideal values, we can finally dial E steps in that final little bit!

1) Find an object with flat tops on a number of levels, such as this cube stack test (scale this
object by 250% after loading in Slic3r)
2) Slice at 95% rectilinear infill. Use the lowest layer height you're comfortable with - the lower the layer height used for this test, the finer your resulting E steps calibration will be. I use 0.2mm for first run, and if I'm feeling ambitious I'll repeat this process at 0.1mm.
3) Print.
4) Ignore the first 5-6 layers because they're too sensitive to the exact height of the first layer. 5) If it's obviously over-filling or under-filling, alter E steps or Z=0 point and restart the print.
6) Observe infill. If you can't see tiny little gaps between the lines, reduce E steps by 0.5% every 2 layers until you can see tiny gaps.
7) Observe solid top layers. If you can see tiny gaps, increase E steps by 0.5% every 2 layers until there's no gaps in the top.
8) Send the new E steps to your printer with M92 Ennn without even pausing the print - you will see the result in a couple of layers when the change is this small.
9) Goto 5 until the infill has tiny gaps AND the solid top layers do not.

Now, your E steps value is extremely fine-tuned! Save this value in your firmware's configuration and flash to make permanent.

With the stretched y axis, you can more easily see the infill as it happens, and make E-step adjustments live.

I sliced at 0.2mm, with 1 perimeter, 1 bottom, and 1 top layer to give 5 layers with 3 of them 95% infill and the top/bottom 100%. Triffid Hunter's calibration tries to set the E steps per MM value to have a hint of gaps (5%) on the infill, and no gaps on the solids. This (18 minute?) print is intended to quickly see and adjust that.

You could try different scaling and slicing to change your mix of infill and top layers.


Origine du modèle

L'auteur a remixé ce modèle.
