I really works!

prusaslicer 0.2mm structural original setting, only temperature of other layers reduced to 245°C
Printed some of them but only printed a single one completely to save some time. Thank you for sharing
Thank you! A more auspicious print has never been seen!
Regarding the Bathtub Contest, I urge you to stand your ground - this most certainly is not a "boat". According to the Cambridge English dictionary, a "Boat" is defined as:
1) a small vehicle for travelling on water.
This is not a "small vehicle" and, as a model of a Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Site, it does not serve the purpose of "travelling on water" - instead it serves the purpose of an artificial reef.
Do the contest rules forbid models of artificial reefs? I didn't think so.
2) a vehicle for traveling on water, esp. one that is not very large
Same as above.
So, we have established that this fine model of a most excellent Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Site is permitted in the contest. Please tell us how it fairs.
A humble request: This model only needs a small addition to make it complete - a pair of R-360 Neptune Anti-ship Missiles. Or, if you do not wish to add it to this print, I have found this: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/ukrainian-r-360-neptune-anti-ship-missile-with-stand (edited)
Great small design. Suggest to add larger base version so no need to print anything additional.
And maybe different tension springs options.
Thanks! (edited)
@OpenHardwareDesigns The original towers are not meant to stand on their own. I quickly designed a stand-alone version of the tower.
@OpenHardwareDesigns these single base versions are only meant to be used to test which gap works best and to design your own bases with these parts.
@chrisgabb_575157 wow, this is an impressive image
First print with my new lithophane filament.
Absolutely amazing 👍
Next time I'll print something of my own
Thanks (edited)
@MrPJ_1357926 nice one! it really looks great in that shiny gold. I'm just puzzled that every one so far prints the example text. That old song ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I3ebe7ykGI ) was the first thing that came to my mind when I was looking for a placeholder text. I hope it fits your purpose well.
@Lepa_Tech this make may be of a different model
@quattro Oh would make it on a nother model