19 KYZ Design @KYZ_446301 HSW Single Walls - With Integrated Frame and Fastening Points (Honeycomb Storage Wall) 1,043 5 3,890
11 joshbasho @joshbasho [Redesigned] Filament Spools for IKEA SKADIS - Fits Cardboard Spools 196 5 355
30 Rob Beast (All Things STL) @Allthingstl Honey Comb Wall remixes and introducing my new Screw Wall!!! 13,677 4.9 33,893
24 SirPrintsALot @SirPrintsALot Hanging Holder for Isopropyl Alcohol on DDD Wall Control System 84 5 129
17 Crosslink @Crosslink IKEA Skadis Wall Panel with standoffs, 6x6, 5x5, 4x4 holes and other sizes 520 4 1,157