13 3D Sourcerer @3DSourcerer Standard, XL, and XXL Self-Centering Filament Spool Holder (Compatible with All Spool Sizes) 939 4.8 4,754
23 ap.engineering @apengineering Shrinkage Calculator - Dimensional Calibration Tool v9 (Made by LuckyPants) 270 4.7 2,242
21 GekoPrime @GekoPrime Pastamatic - Filament Spool Winder for Bambu Lab X1C/P1P AMS (level winder with self reversing leadscrew) 8,327 4.8 46,944
24 3DPrintDemon @FLYNINDUSTRIES Knomi 2 Head for Dummy 13!! Your new interactive printer bot! 358 5 740