Printed in oranget PETG and it was a perfect fit with a satisfying click.
Printed in oranget PETG and it was a perfect fit with a satisfying click.
Works exactly as advertised and the battery fits snugly, but not excessively tight.
My Daughter wanted a "Rainbow" snake, and the regular Rainbow filament just wasn't transitioning fast enough for it to look good.... So Dad had to improvise a bit.
Printed on Creality K1 @0.2mm using various Dichromatic and Trichromatic filaments from Sunlu and eSun. (edited)
Looks like a nice design. I'll be very interested to see how well this works in practice.
@LoboCNC Here is a gif of drilling a 1/2 inch hole into a 4 x 4. Honestly I'm impressed. (edited)
@BrianBu_1333886 Totally impressive!
I didn't print this, but I just want to say that this is a very nice design.
quick utube search shows this is useless
so many ways u dont even need the lock nut
@sir_miss_alot If you are worried about someone using a hammer and harbor freight sockets to steal your rims, get better locks. If you are worried about securing your key this is a possible solution.
For example the gorilla lock set that is referenced is 20 wheel locks, instead of just 4. If you were really going for security you would not be just using 4 locks. Having 5 times more wheel locks to deal with is a huge pain for thieves.
When each rim cost $1,500+ someone may go through extensive efforts to steal the rims. Likewise the owner may want to go through additional efforts of securing their rims.
Although my situation may differ from others there are other benefits. For example always knowing where your key is located because it is locked in a specific location.
I don't have a need for this at the moment, but just wanted to pop in and tell you "Nice work!" on the design. Looks great.
would it be possible to redesign this model for 4040 extrusion? or to get the fusion file so it can be modified?
Great simple print!
Put a hat on it