The best and fastest spool I have printed so far. I printed both the thin and thinner spools as well as the original. Think I'm set now for spools for the tail-ends of 1K spools. (edited)
An absolut must-have if, like me, you have spools you rarely use. Take 100/200 g out of them on those small spools, and vacuum-seal back the spool for long-term storage. Thanks a lot for the design.
Thanks for the model. This worked great for organizing all my filament samples and printing color chips. I printed these with PETG and .2mm layers.
The remix worked well but it is a little fragile where the solid spool center hub meets the hex infill. If you hit the spool from the side you can hear the filament cracking away from the center hub. If the design were tweaked so the the first few layers were complete infill and then the solid hub bridged over the infill it should be stronger. I decided not to try this because the whole point of this model was to save time printing verses the original design. I didn't want to spend the time over engineering something that does work fine as-is. I did not try the original design for comparison.
sa bien fait . seulement le matériel rétrécie et le coté plat a lever un peu du plateau et a arrondi . vais le limer et sa devrait marcher encore merci mon chat aime bien
bonjour brenda je passe par ici. je suis nouveau avec l'impression 3d .j'ai regardé vos pots à fleurs et cool tout les conseils d'impression. mais je ne trouve pas le mode vase avec cura, ou sait juste avec prusa ? merci de m'aider
This worked out great for a mason jar that was neither wide mouth nor standard, but rather some proprietary in-between size. I had no rings that would fit for use with the pictured straw lid, and made use of this parameterized model with adjustments. I added a hole for the straw lid, made changes to the wall thickness on sides and top, and added a ridge inside to self-center the straw lid.
@Ross_12082 Not necessary, but try this (just for learning). Right-click on Sketch3 in the browser and select Edit Sketch. Zoom way in so it's easy to see the dimensions (3.00mm & 2.5mm) on the two holes you want to swap. Double-click on the dimension and you should see an edit box. Enter 2.5 on the bigger one and 3.0 on the smaller one. You just swapped the two holes. Double-click on the text (the 4 & 5) and swap the values. And done!
Both of those holes are drilled to 75mm so you don't have to edit the extrusion. (edited)
The best and fastest spool I have printed so far. I printed both the thin and thinner spools as well as the original. Think I'm set now for spools for the tail-ends of 1K spools. (edited)
An absolut must-have if, like me, you have spools you rarely use. Take 100/200 g out of them on those small spools, and vacuum-seal back the spool for long-term storage. Thanks a lot for the design.