16 Bruno Germany @BrunoGermany Junction Box Connector for Junction Box with gaskets (Bruno Germany) 281 5 341
11 Daniel Satke @GOAT Blank slot cover insert for switchboard/circuit breaker panel/DB box/distribution board/panelboard/electric panel/fuse box/consumer unit 72 4.7 272
17 pjvenda @pjvenda Wago 221 Junction Box for flex wire 3 core, 4 core or 5 core [compact] [snap fit] 18 5 155
17 pjvenda @pjvenda Wago 221 Inline Junction Box for flex wire 2 core, 3 core, 4 core or 5 core 33 4 263
16 Bruno Germany @BrunoGermany Small Junction box (45*80*50) with two inputs and flexible gaskets / seals 23 5 95
26 BasementLAB @BasementLAB_ Hexagonal junction box with plain screwed lid 112x100x50mm - Cassetta di derivazione esagonale con coperchio basso a vite 13 5 76