Black Myth Wukong

Sculpter of Wukong
7h 0m
6× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
90.00 g
Creality Ender 3 V3 KE
updated September 2, 2024



Me encanta este modelo, primero imprimí uno con la Ender 3 V2 Neo en pequeño y cuando adquirí mi FLSun T1 pro me atreví a uno mas grande sin escalar y es majestuosa la figura de mas de 20cm de alto.

Really good model. Took a few hours to print but its worth it.

Can someone give me any print instructions please. like orientation and what supports please.

I printed this for a friends daughter. It was solid white and in pieces when I gave it to her. She painted it and gifted it to her father. Great design! (edited)

This 3D model is awesome as a Gaming Setup display! Printed on a Kingroon KLP1 230 using Xingtongzhilian PLA Silk Gold filament for Wunkong pieces and Kingroon Marble PLA for the base.

Lovely, lovely, lovely! I’ve been searching for this for such a long time. This model can be decorated in endless ways. I’ll probably end up making hundreds of them! Printing and decorating helps me stay grounded and brings me peace. Thank you so much for sharing this project.

Mega Details, gut zu drucken, perfektes Modell

80% scale. Tough challenge for ender. It was hard to glue parts of the staff together

打印效果不错的,金箍棒的方向需要调整,两端的两个环按重力方向需要对调一下,更加真实。用丙烯马克笔上色,总体效果还可以。The printing effect is good. The direction of the gold hoop needs to be adjusted, and the two rings at both ends need to be swapped according to the direction of gravity to make it more realistic. Finally, use an acrylic marker to color it.

May i ask how you position (orientation) the left arm and lower body part for slicing and printing ? thanks

@Joe_751207 I placed the hands pointing downwards and the elbows facing upwards, it might help to print the arms separately.