If you like my work, you can help me by buying me a coffee, thank you! https://buymeacoffee.com/guillaumehy or paypal.me/guillaumehaouy I should point out that I am a 20 year old student, it takes me a huge amount of time so don't be too harsh and impatient with me !
A guide in .pdf format (English language, 64 pages for version 1.1) is included, it is a must-read, everything is explained in detail !
1. Introduction 2. Technical details of the MSLA Cyclop printer 3. Technical details of the Helios Curing station 4. Pictures of my first prints (print tests take a lot of time, they are not yet 100% optimal) 5. Schematics
A. Cyclop - 3D Printer
B. Helios - Curing Station
1. Introduction
Be careful! The resin severely attacks the printed plastic, as explained in the guide, you will need to apply a protective varnish on the tank as well as on the printing plate
Here you will find all the files and instructions on my homemade MSLA Cyclop v1.3 resin printer (and its Helios curing station) ! The CAD files (.step format) are available, the appropriate GRBl firmware as well as the NanoDLP version that I used.
2. Technical details of the MSLA Cyclop printer
Standalone printer (integrated slicer, just place an .stl file on a USB key) with Nextion 3.2" touch screen
Ultra-rigid structure in 2020 aluminum profiles
Ultra resolution axis ! Ball screw and two linear ball axes MGN12C
Electronics: Raspberry Pi 3B+ / Arduino Uno + Shield CNC v3 + A4988 driver (NanoDLP firmware for the RPI3B+, GRBL for the Arduino)
Screen: 2k, 5.5" 1440p x 2560p
Resolution: 47.25µm (0.04725mm)
Printable area: 125x67x165mm
UV power: 38W (adjustable in PWM with the M3 S1to1000 command)