I wanted to make a TNG VISOR prop with an easy-to-print one-piece grill instead of installing a lot of rods. This has a flexible grill that prints flat and fits nicely in grooves to secure it. This makes painting easy but also lets you print in color if you want. I used silk PLA for the metal parts.
There are 2 versions of the grill: grill 1 is modeled after the jagged 'banana clip' style in season 1, grill 2 is the full tooth style most commonly seen. To make sure it fits, the rounder side of the grill faces the top. Use color swap function to use black and gold for grill 1 and the grill 2 with the screens.
The nose cutouts are just estimates of the actual prop, but I'd like to add other nose shapes someday.
I preferred the inside to be black so I included panels that can be printed in black and glued to the insides.
Size for fit by printing first few layers to check against head size--scale all parts accordingly.
Agentpothead made a remix of the discs to hold an elastic cord: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4966051
Display stand included. Use color change/swapping for the tag.
Here is a guide that explains how color swapping works, at least with Prusaslicer: https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/color-change_1687
The author marked this model as their own original creation.