Fight Club Soap_mold/ Seifenform

Fight Club Soap MOLD
updated August 17, 2024



Soapmold for a awsome Fight Club Soap HANDMADE


You need:



  • Print a funnel if you like to fill the foam with it
  • Print the mold in PETG (transparent PETG looks cool duiring filling the mold
  • Boil water in a pot and put enough raw soap in a vessel to melt it in the pot
  • During you wait for the soap to get fluid,
  • Spray the inner mold with WD 40 to realease the soap afterwards easier and wrap duct tape around the gaps to seal it more
  • Mix colour powder and if you ant some essential oil with your soap till you have no more lumps
  • Use the Funnel to fill the mold with your handmade soap, fill more than less, overhangs cann easiely washed away by hand
  • Let it become solid, remove the duct tape and carefully open the mold


You are ready now to impress your guests or give it away as a present



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
