A little sweet house to hold your holiday cheer!
updated December 18, 2021



Gingerbread house with a hinged roof that can be opened.  Slowly learning my way through CAD and CAM, applying what I've learned so far.  I started this a little late for this contest so it's bare on the sides and back, I hope to update it in the future.   I've yet to do a test print.

The roof can only open up to where it meets the wall on the hinge right now. Has little tree-shaped windows in the front.  I tried to design it to print without supports.  The sides would be printed separately from the house base.  I figured one side of the roof and the hinged wall adjacent to it can be printed on its side,  rather than laying flat on the bed. There are slots near the corners to insert the side walls to the base.  


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
