I really like the bento box v2 concept. What surprised me is the tiny HEPA filter that reduces the amount of air. I searched and tried the largest filter that would fit in the size of a bento box and I found: HEPA Xiaomi Viomi S9 (109mmx48mm). The filter is only 9 mm thin, so the effective filtering area will be the same. So I added a second filter of the same type to the front. So the area is doubled. :-) https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-viomi-s9-hepa.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.search.0
When I put this HepaBox to the FanBox base, It is not heard that the revolutions of the fan change, so it works :-)
How to print:
0.2 layer
Reccomend tree (organic) supports as on the picture
You can also use PLA separation support for better results
The author remixed this model.
Remix BentoBox 2.0 to High flow dual big HEPA filter Viomi S9