WW2 German (Luftwaffe) SC50 Replica Bomb V1 (Draft)

The SC 50 was a small, general-purpose bomb used by the Luftwaffe in World War II.
updated July 21, 2024




The SC 50 was a small, general-purpose bomb used by the Luftwaffe in World War II. The bombs were carried by fighter-bombers and bombers, and came in several variants that weighed between 48–55 kg. They could be equipped with screamers, which are long whistles that make noise during flight. The bombs could also be sandy grey in color.

Recommended Printing Instructions for WW2 SC50 Bomb Design

Printer Model: Creality K1 Max
Layer Height: 2mm
Nozzle Size: 0.4mm


  • Body A
  • Body B
  • Body C
  • Tail Cone
  • Fins (a, b, c, d)
  • Screamers

Assembly Instructions:


  • Print each piece (Body A, B, C, Tail Cone, Fins a-d, and Screamers) separately using the specified printer settings.

Body and Tail Cone Assembly

  • The Body pieces (A, B, C) and the Tail Cone are designed to snap fit together.
  • After ensuring a proper fit, it is recommended to glue the pieces for added stability and durability. Use a suitable adhesive for the material of your print (e.g., super glue or epoxy).

Fins Attachment

  • The Fins (a, b, c, d) must be glued to the Tail Cone. Ensure the fins are aligned properly before the glue sets for accurate assembly.

Screamers Attachment

  • The Screamers are designed to be attached using machine nuts and bolts, which can be found at most hardware stores. Ensure you have the correct size of nuts and bolts for secure attachment.


  • Perform a test fit of all parts before gluing to ensure alignment and fit.
  • Sand any rough edges or surfaces that do not fit smoothly.
  • Consider using clamps or weights to hold parts in place while the glue dries.

By following these instructions, you will achieve a sturdy and accurate assembly of your WW2 SC50 Bomb model.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
