Gameboy Advance SP anti light bleed cover

If you want to reduce light bleed of your GBA SP so other people can sleep, this cover will help you.
updated July 18, 2024



I play on ym GBA SP (AGS-001 type) in the bed before going to sleep. My wife sleeps next to me, and I wanted something to reduce the light bleed, (strong shining, actually) of the GBA in mainly in the upwards direction so the light doesn'ลง bounce off of the ceiling, thus this monstrosity got created. It is kinda heavy on the GBA hinge, but there is nowehere to save on material - maybe on the back side of the LCD there could be honeycomb or just square hole and it will still perform ok. But when I play, I have it kinda upright so it balances off a bit.

Printed with Prusament PLA Jet Black which seems like it was created for this! It has kinda matte finish that helps with light absorption rather than reflection. Printed with 0.2mm layers but rotated 90 degrees around the Z axis so the cooling fans on Ender-3 V3 KE don't tip it over (the big flat vertical surface kinda acts as a lever).

How it fits

It fits fine on my GBA SP, slides on the LCD without much resistance, almost freely. Beware though - this is kinda tight fit. If your GBA SP is in perfect shape (no scuff marks etc.), sliding this cover on may damage the paint! My gameboy is very used, so I don't mind. If you want a bit looser fit (or tigher), adjust scale in X and/or Y axis, but only just a little bit, I would say surely under 1%, probably even just 0.5% (that is set the scale to 100,5%).

The hole for LCD is 82.1mm wide, adding just 0.5% means it will be 82.5mm, which may not seem like too much but it is when you want ssomewhat tight fit. The other dimension of the LCD pocket is 9mm, if you want to make it bigger, you will probably do +1% to make it almost 9,1mm. This will make the whole model a bit longer though, but it will still fit nicely on the LCD, there is still enough room. Actually you could probably add up to 2-2.5% and still be ok (it may lose the tight fit by that time though).


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
