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Helix Space Rocket (fidget vortex spinner toy)

Helix Spinner with a space twist - to the infinity and beyond!
24 k
updated July 6, 2024



Scales up well, though at stupidly large scales it's pretty hard to get the captured fidget version together, due to the thickness and extra material reducing the flexibility. In my case in the photo, I scaled it up 300% as a joke for my wife after I made a big batch for her students and another big batch for my daughter's classmates

Example printed in SUNLU PLA+ 2.0 and Panchroma Rainbow Satin.

I've also printed the regular size of this with the PLA+ 2.0 in white for the body and SUNLU glow in the dark blue for the "fuel/flame", as well as Bambu PLA Basic Green for the body with the SUNLU PLA+ 2.0 white as the flame. (edited)

Printed on the Anycubic Kobra 3 with standard 0.2mm height settings. It looks and feels great. Thank you for sharing!

Kudos to you @GlennovitS3D
Awesome design.
Excellent printing advice.
Loads of fidgeting fun.

Thanks for designing this, it’s my new favourite fidget! My printer has less-than-ideal tolerances so I instinctively scaled down the inside part, until I realised the model tolerances were already perfect. Thx again. Printed in black PLA with gold spray paint. (edited)

Very fun for the kids. Especially with the fidget version where we won't lose the rocket fuel/flames. 4 stars stead of 5 only because some of the overhangs near the top were a bit droopy and needed some filing to get the fuel inside. The fuel also needs support and bigger brim to stick to the bed.

works great buy I prefer simpler versions