Case for BigTreeTech HDMI5 display V1.2 with outlets to the back. Different mounting options.
The backplate has different mounting options for landscape or portrait in different positions. Just chose the screw holes for your needs. You need the mounting adapter HDMI5_MOUNT_V2_PORTRAIT.stl from the original design (portrait version for all mounting options) to connect it to your printer.
The case has three holes with little pins at its side to use the displays buttons (brightness and screen flip). You can chose to print the tricky pins or just let them out an use a bit of filament for pressing the buttons.
The case is designed to snap onto the display so that no threaded inserts for the case are needed.
Printing instructions:
I used a 0.6 mm nozzle for all parts. Just ensure that your slicer can print “thin walls” or line width thinner, e.g. 0.4 mm. For the button pins a 0.4 mm nozzle would be better.
a) Backplate:
b) Top/Case:
c) Button pins (3 pieces):
d) Mounting adapter
If the parts are to tight to your display, you can change the parameter “margin” in the attached Fusion360 file.
Additional Parts:
Assembling instructions:
Instructions for klipper screen (rotation):
Use detailed instructions from and for rotation from
1. Raspberry Pi using kernel cmdline
Adding video=HDMI-A-2:800x480M@60,rotate=90 to my /boot/cmdline.txt did the console rotation. You have to figure out your hdmi port.
2. Universal xorg configuration
Just as described in this section. Note that for my Raspberry Pi the hdmi port in 90-monitor.conf differed from cmdline.txt.
3. And I had to rotate the input matrix of the touch screen by adding the line
Option "TransformationMatrix" "0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1"
to the touch screen section of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf
The author remixed this model.
The BigTreeTech HDMI5 display V1.2 has it´s HDMI and USB-C outlets to the back. The old version had it to the side. So I had to redesign the case and mount for my Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro printer from the scratch.