ESP32 Weatherstation

Small project to test the waters on ESP32
updated December 26, 2024


Fun project. Thanks for posting. I’m very much a novice but got the code onto the ESP3/ and it’s logging the local data from the sensor board but not the OpenWeather data. The ESP32 is on my network successfully and I have the API and account setup any other hints?

Ensure that you have filled out the following in the code:

// Replace with your OpenWeatherMap API key and location
const char* apiKey = "API_KEY";
const char* location = "CITY, COUNTRY_CODE";

API_KEY: Will be your specific API key from OpenWeather
CITY: You city
COUNTRY_CODE: As named in OpenWeather

@RCFD_264615 Thanks! For me it seemed removing the country code worked (or else I had done something else wrong—which is entirely possible!)

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