Storehouse(-finity) 15 and 20 Bin Gridfinity based system

A modified Gridfinity system for the STOREHOUSE 15&20 Bin Small Portable Parts Storage Case purchasable at HarborFreight
updated June 23, 2024



I started this project because I wanted to create custom bins for my STOREHOUSE 15 Bin Small Portable Parts Storage Case. (This solution also supports the STOREHOUSE 20-Bin Medium Portable Parts Storage Case with the extra supplied baseplates and shims). I could not find any that did not require supports.  I thought to myself, there must be a better way … maybe a Gridfinity-ish solution??? So, in OpenSCAD, I created a Gridfinity style baseplate and one or two bins, but then I stumbled up this video:

Which introduced me to the free Autodesk Fusion "GridfinityGenerator" add-in.  

I noticed with this add-in I could specify/customize the “Base width” and “Base length” sizes for both the baseplate and bins … and my new journey began. 

With this plugin, I was able to re-create the same baseplate and then use its bin generator to easily create and tweak bins for my needs.  I have included a sample set of .stl files that I printed for my use.  Currently, the vast majority of the examples are half height bins and I may add some full height examples soon. You can easily create your own items using Fusion and this add-in. See the tables below regarding the values I used when creating the baseplate and bins. I have also attached some screenshots from “GridfinityGenerator” regarding the values I used for creating the bins and baseplate. Enjoy.  


The following settings were used to create the baseplate, and everything else was left unchecked:

Base width unit, X (mm)54.60
Base length unit, Y (mm)39.833
Plate width, X (u)3
Plate length, Y (u)6

Using the parameters above, the overall baseplate width is 163.3 mm and the overall length is 238.498 mm. These values provide a pretty snug fit when inserting into the bin. I did try with a "Base width unit, X" value of 54.5 mm and the gap was a little loose for my liking. You may want to tweak these values slightly based on your printer. If you change these values, you will need to take into account “Plate width, X (u)” and “Plate length, Y (u)” when adjusting “Base width” and “Base length”. Changing “Base width” from 54.6 to 54.5 with shrink the width by .3 mm (54.6 - 54.5 = 0.1 => 0.1 * “Plate width” => 0.1 x 3 = 0.3).  Note: all of my prints and testing was performed on a Prusa MK4. 


When creating the bins, my plan was to have two height sizes: full height and half height.  I also want to change as few default values as possible.  Looking back, it might have been wiser to adjust the “Bin height unit” but I did not go that route. 

Full Height
Base width unit (mm)54.667
Base length unit (mm)39.833
Bin height unit (mm)7.00 (default)
Bin xy clearance (mm)0.25 (default)
Bin width, X (u) (set this to your desired value) 
Bin length, Y (u) (set this to your desired value) 
Bin height, Z (u)6.06
Half Height

The only change here is “Bin height, Z (u)”

Base width unit (mm)54.667
Base length unit (mm)39.833
Bin height unit (mm)7.00 (default)
Bin xy clearance (mm)0.25 (default)
Bin width, X (u) (set this to your desired value) 
Bin length, Y (u) (set this to your desired value) 
Bin height, Z (u)3.07

20-bin case support

Regarding the Storehouse 20-bin case support, this can be achieved by utilizing 1 baseplate from the 15 bin solution, and the printing the extra baseplates supplied for the 20 bin. I super glued the main baseplates together, but not the two 2x2 baseplates (at least not at this time). When using the existing baseplate dimensions from the 15 bin solution for the 20 bin case, there is about a 2mm gap (see picture below).  See picture below. I did not want to adjust the size of the baseplate as it is most likely though off the compatibility of the bins between the two cases.  So I just created a 2 mm shim that I can wedge around the edges.  It worked quite well for me. 

Removing the label from the 15 Bin Case

If you do buy a Storehouse 15 Bin Storage Case, you will encounter a very sticky label on the top of the clear plastic case.  I search around for procedures regarding the best way to remove the label.  After I bunch of trial and error, I found the following to work the best:

  • Peel the top of the sticker off the best you can. This should leave just the white backing.
  • Get some Goo Gone and spray or wipe all over the white backing.
    • I got mine from Amazon, but it appears that big box stores like Lowes and Home Depot have it in stock.
  • Let it sit for a while. How long? I've been letting is sit for several hours
  • After it has sat for a couple of hour, you should be able to simply peel the white backing up
    • I have tried a plastic razor blade scraper, but that did leave some streaks on the lid. Not too noticeable, but noticeable.

If you find this item useful, please consider making a donation of any amount to the Phelan McDermid Syndrome Foundation (PMSF) under AudienceOfOne:

Thanks, AudienceOfOne


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
