7/12/24 Added a new .stl and .3mf file. This is Is the Chief Wahoo Back Layer (MMU). I added this because as I printed the model sometimes it would pull apart. This new model adds one solid 0.2mm layer across the back tying everything together.
7/11/2024 Updated the .3mf files as the MMU version did not have the blue correct in the prints ear. The .stl files are the same. These .3mf files were created in Orca slicer 2.1.1
This was the Indians Logo. There are 2 versions. One is for use with a MMU or AMS, where you print the logo face down on the bed. The second is designed for layer changes. Make sure in all cases you slice with the Arachne engine.
The .stl and .3mf files are included. The model is only 0.4mm thick however you can scale the x and y for size and make the z height any thickness. Again make sure to print face down to insure the best looking product.
Layer Change
The .stl and .3mf files are included. This model has the layer change every 0.4mm. Print white layer first, then red, and then blue. Again you can scale the x and y dimensions for size. The Z direction for thickness but that will change where you need to change your layers.
Unless you are making the model very thick I suggest printing 100% on the infill. I have not personally printed the layer change model, hover I am confident that it should work.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.