This model uses M3 brass inserts, for all connections. 34 inserts needed.
M3 socket head screws needed: (I have this kit of 3mm hardware: )
6mm x 8 to hold the 2 front panels to the main frame.
8mm x 2 for the optional screw on feet.
12mm x 16 to hold the rails to the front and rear frames.
14 mm x 2 to hold the handle to the front and rear frames.
16 mm x 6 to hold the power supply frame assembly to the main front assembly.
I used this Boost Buck regulator for the variable output. Unfortunately this doesn't come with instruction for all it's functions but it's easy enough to find them online.
The fixed supply outputs take a little work. I used this Break out board. To get it to work, you have to remove the nuts from the binding posts and remove them from the PCB. You will re-install them from the opposite side of the PCB through the panel. They each have 2 nuts and a flat washer. They also have a 2 piece clear plastic body that will fit into to panel to insure an exact fit. I first put them into the panel and secure them with the flat washer and one of the nuts. The other nut will be used to make a positive connection to the PCB when you reassemble it.
Before you do that, you need to remove the PC 24 pin connector and straighten out the pins so it can be put back in as a straight connector, so you have room for the connector from the power supply.
I removed the switch on the breakout board and wired it to the switch on the variable output panel.
I used 2 x 12V and ground wires from one of the power supplies 4 pin connector and wired that to the Boost Buck regulator. The output of the Boost Buck goes to the red and black binding posts. They were just a couple of binding posts I had laying around so I don't have a link for them.
In the pictures, you can see that I ran out of the brass inserts with a few more to go. It's plenty strong enough as is, but I'll install those when they get here tomorrow. I was playing around when I printed this and used Blue, Gray and Black PETG, even pausing the prints to change colors in the middle.
1: The balance of the handle is much better and it still folds down out of the way.
2: The breakout board has 5 amp fuses in all 4 positions. This is fine for 12, 5 and 3.3 but not for the -12V which isn't designed to handle over less than ½ amp. I replaced that 5A fuse with a 0.250A (250mA) fuse.
3: The variable output regulator doesn't come with instruction which is odd since it has so many function. It's easy to find it on line but I'm going to try to attach it here too.
4: The labels for the output voltage go clear through the panel and behind it is space to put
The author remixed this model.
I re-arraigned the handle to go from front to back to help with the balance.
All connections are made with M3 heat set brass inserts.
Only 4 mounting points on each front panel instead of 6.
Layout of the front panels.