first add Satanek-color to prusa slicer. Set up print without rims. Have to be centered. Export G-code and put to print.
Open slicer and add Satanek-lid, center.
Once Satanek-color is printed, remove rim line carefully. Do not move with printed part and let it stuck to printer bed.
Change filament for black and put Satanek-lid to print. It should print with cut piece and merge it together.
Print base box from Original file. In slicer you can change few last lines to different color to match (like my print).
Enjoy gothic jewelry box!
For perfect slicer setup and whole process check this video:
disclaimer: I am not original artist that drew baby baphomet. I just found it out online and sadly cant find original file to give credits. If you know who is original artist let me know in comments and I will add it to description. Thank you!