Cone for Blowgun-Dart (parametric)

The new version of the cone, completely rewritten
updated May 22, 2024



This is a complete rewrite of the model for a dartcone. 

You'll need the BOSL2 library and obviously OpenSCAD.

To the parameters:

caliber the caliber (inner diameter) of your blowgun in mm
shaft_diameter the diameter of the needle you plan to use

these are the most important parameters to set for your need.

cone_ratio the ratio conelength:caliber

Alle wall parameters should be a multiple of your nozzle size.
wall  cone wall thickness
vanewall thicknes of the vanes
neckwall thickness of the wall at the neck 
neck_height height of the neck

dovanes set to false, if you don't want vanes
n_vanes number of desired vanes (3 is the minimun number that has a sense) 
vanes_twist vane's twist in degrees (set 0 for no twist)

vanes_tolerance how much vanes shall be smaller than the cone diameter
neck_tol Tolerance for neck hole
caliber_tol Tolerance for caliber
cone_neck_overlap how much the neck should go inside the cone
socket height of socket

Modifying the parameters works as in my other models: copy the file defaultcone.scad, modify the copy to your needs and let OpenSCAD do the rest.

I print those cones with a 0.2mm nozzle, 0.1mm layer height and TPU (Medium Flex by extrudr)



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
