I needed a DIN rail mount, so I designed one.
Attention: The DIN rail I measured when designing this seems to have some odd dimensions (was a short rail from an unused fuse box). It fits that specific rail quite well, but on my other DIN rails it doesn't fit without removing some material from the printed part.
Since I can't find the relevant project file anymore, I can not easily fix it.
You can still try this print: It's quick and only a few cents of material - and with a cutter you should be able to correct it for your rail. Sorry, but please blame the [lovely] manufacturers of DIN-rail-looking-but-not-quite-DIN rails :'(
You need to print
The PCB has two mount holes, which align with the holes on the printed parts.
Use 2x M3x16 and 2x M3 nuts. Make sure not to put the nuts on the XL4005 PCB - they are a little bit too big and might cause a short.
As you can see on the image, the screws are long enough to mount another PCB on the “rear”. Again: Careful not to short something out!
Either assemble on the rail (e.g. between existing rail mount things) or assemble on the bench and then slide on the rail. For my printer the final assembly has a nice fit. [Edit: Check the remark above].
It's a really simple part, so print in whatever material you want at any layer height and with low infill. I used PLA at 0.2mm with 25%, but that's just the same setup as I used for the previous print. Try 0.3mm and 10%, those should be fine, too.
I did not print the B part (designed it while printed 2x A), but it should work, too. Bonus points if you print in different colors for a nicer look :)
The author marked this model as their own original creation.