3-Pin Magnetic Connector for Electronic Projects

A 3-pin removable magnetic connector for low-current electronics projects, ideal for projects that need a data wire
10 k
updated May 4, 2024




  • A 3-pin version of my magnetic connector for low-powered, removable electrical connections
  • Fits various sizes of magnets from 5 x 2mm up to 10 x 3mm
  • Compact and easy to build into your models - the 6mm version is roughly 10mm tall and 25 x 25mm when connected
  • 2 different “female” connectors depending on if your wires go alongside the connector, or out the back and through what it's attached to
  • Guide tabs reduce the chance of “oops I connected the plug the wrong way and now there's magic smoke everywhere” by up to 80%*!
    *(maybe. I don't know. But it sounds cool, right?)

Parts Needed

Printing Guidelines

  • Layer height: 0.2mm
    Supports: No
    Brim: No
    Walls: 3+
    Infill: 10%+


  1. Solder wire to your magnets - I used this guide. Soldering your magnet will reduce its strength slightly, but provided you work quick as in the video, it'll remain fairly strong.

    Note: I suggest mixing the magnetic poles in your connection to further reduce the chance of forcing a wrong connection, e.g.

    N-S-N on male connector
    S-N-S on female connector

    The magnets will repel if you try to connect them the wrong way round!
  2. Insert the magnets into the connector, bending the wire to follow the guides. It should be a press-fit, but if not (due to filament etc.), run some superglue round the edge, where the magnet presses against the connector. If you're using large or strong magnets, superglue is highly recommended.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Redesigned to fit 3 connections, plus added tabs to help avoid incorrect polarity
