Stylish BTT Octopus / Octopus Pro Fancase

A DIN rail mountable fancase for your BTT Octopus / Octopus Pro to keep drivers cool ... and is just looking cool :-)
10 k
updated November 26, 2024



Love this fan setup! Clean and fits well. The only update that I think would add is more slots to route the wires. The wires from the fans I have don't line up correctly with the slots as they are so I had to file a slot so the fan is flush. Other than that it's perfect.

To answer some of the questions in the comments:
- Yes, it fits in my inverted electronics bay. Use the "stiffer din clips" with M3 inserts.
- The fans push air towards the stepper drivers. My fans were also "flipped" compared to the pictures, but you can still make the wires work just fine with the current files.

Thanks for making this :) No more overheating Z steppers errors.

Does it fit with inverted electronic bay mod ? (edited)

Printing the middle out now however are the fans supposed to blow air towards the stepper drivers or exhaust the air out the top? My sunon fans are oriented as exhaust fans if i use the cutouts for the wires.

I wish someone would make this for Leviathan.
Gorgeous work btw

Solid design. Hoping it fixes some overheating stepper drivers I’m having. Had to remix a bit for the Sunon fans I’m using and the CAD had a minor mismatch in shapes between the various parts (top & mid don’t align 100% no matter how you orient them) but overall I really like what you’ve created.

@MandicReally_151069 Thanks for posting the make and giving such a nice rating :-) I saw the misalignment issues you mentioned and just fixed it in STL and STEP files (new top and middle part), thanks for the hint. Anyways, hope your steppers are cool for now ;-) (edited)

@3DeezNutZ I too would love to know, since the BOM doesn't mention them.

Edit: 4010s seem to fit. (edited)

confirmed fitment for octopus non pro model.. Excellent design! - Printed in Flashforge ASA Burnt Titanium

@PrivateGarage Thanks for confirming that it fits the non-pro version.... and for posting such a nice make ;-) Will change the title and description accordingly. Happy that you like it :-)

This summer i had some issues with layershifts and i think it was because it was so damn hot. So this mod seems like a good idea, and it looks damn good! The fans should be in the mail soon so i can complete it. I remixed the fancover so it was true multicolor with just two swaps.

Edit: fans came in, looks all good. (edited)