Middara Act I Insert, v1.2

an insert for the 1.2 printing of Middara Act I
updated July 24, 2024



This is an insert for the 1.2 printing of Middara Unintentional Malum: Act I. The newest printing comes with an updated insert, however the card wells do not support sleeves and I wanted to have everything stored in a way that supported quicker setup and teardown. I also own the KS Promo pack 1, however no other products are seen here. There is ample space for more minis, standees, cards, bags, and tokens, so I'm hopeful this insert will support the various additional products coming for Act I.

This insert allows for Act I books/scenarios, maps, minis, standees, and sleeved cards to fit without any lid lift. I keep my medium cards separated by rarity, 1 type per tray with the 5th tray holding the remaining cards.

Edit 5/13: large card tray previously missing, now added back

There are two versions of the mini rails, A & B. Version A is sturdier but holds on to the minis tighter. Version B is more flexible but prone to minis moving if jostled.

Standard, mini, and tarot cards are sleeved in GameGenic Prime Matte. 

Large cards are sleeved in SleeveKings “Middara compatible 6XL”.

Secret decks are also sleeved and placed within their respective card trays.

Also shown are SP holders, which have a little slot for storage next to the card trays. Those files can be found here: https://www.printables.com/model/315454-middara-sp-counter


All prints were done with 0.4mm nozzle, 15% infill, and 0.2mm layer height. You will need:

4x player trays

5x medium card trays

4x mini rails (A, B, or both)

2x mini bins

2x map tile trays

2x standee bins (A, B, or both)

1x of everything else


Happy printing!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
