All the V0 handles I can find is either too flimsy, or designed with tophat in mind. This one is probably way overengineered, but better be on the safe side to minimize the risk of dropping the machine. Model is 118.8 by 118.8 mm when standing up angled at 45 degree, just enough to fit on a Voron 0. Contains large amounts of 45 degree overhangs. Slow outer wall, 4 walls and 20 top/bottom layers, with bridge counterbore holes recommended.
M3x35 BHCS x4
M3x20 BHCS x4
M3x16 BHCS x8
M3 Nuts x16
New version is out!
The ergonomic version has a cylindrical surface where it makes contact with fingers. Also with some minor fixes. If you printed the old, non ergonomic version before 2024-04-26, make sure to file the protrusion facing downwards when installed, so it doesn't prevent M3 nuts from holding onto the extrusion.
The author remixed this model.
The ergonomic inner part is from this model. General shape is also loosely inspired by it.