Pouvez vous donner la marque et couleur exacte des PLA utilisés ?
Pouvez vous donner la marque et couleur exacte des PLA utilisés ?
Mine doesn't work without usb connection. If i remove usb, touch screen doesn't response. Mess with the cables?
@PiotrSafiak_595147 Is the display completely dark, or does the display work without recognizing touch events?
If it is completely dark, battery power might be low. The display has two operating modes: 3.3V and 5V. In the original wiring diagram, the battery delivers power directly to the display in 5V operating mode. However, the lithium battery cannot provide 5V at all. To a certain degree this is ok, but at some point the display will stay dark when battery voltage is low. This was one of the reasons I swapped the battery charger with another one that provides stable 5V output (by using a step-up regulator).
If only the touch screen does not react, it is quite difficult to tell what is the reason. I would recommend setting up a minimal system and disconnect everything else. This would be a good starting point to locate the problem.
@Tom_1453863 thanks for advice. Need to check arduino ide one more time.
Very nice model. It was fun building it. Thank you for the great work.
I uploaded a remix, since I swapped out several parts and modified the back-plate.
Kind regards,
Tom (edited)
This thing is so great. Everyone who sees Wall-E for the first time falls in love. Great project, great description. It was a lot of fun to put "it" together. Congratulations on this design. (edited)
@blaudenbach_57948 Die Bemahlung von Deinem Wall-e gefällt mir wirklich außerordentlich gut. Die vielen kleinen Details werten das Modell noch einmal ordentlich auf.
@Tom_1453863 Danke für die "Blumen". Wall-e steht mittlerweile im Flur. Jeder der vorbeikommt und das Display wegen der Geräusche antippt ist begeistert. So sorgt Wall-e jedes Mal für gute Laune.
It is sooooooooooooooooooooo huge
This is sick! Nice job!
Excellent ! un projet au top pour 2024, merci !