Child proof EU socket/outlet cover

Press fit socket/outlet cover to prevent your children from becoming the next Darth Sidious.
In the contest Quick and Useful Prints
updated December 28, 2022



Nice model but I'm sorry to tell you it's not child proof. My 11 months old can easy fit fingers in the threads and pull the plugg out from the socket. Maybe a different type of tool will do.
I made a z-cut at 12mm. Now it fits better and my child is not strong enough to pull it out. Compare to the lower one. Still her finger has a good gripp. (edited)

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@drodfro yes. I will try to adjust xy. My sockets are super old.

@drodfro I made a z-cut at 12mm. Now it fits better and my child is not strong enough to pull it out. Compare to the lower one. Still her finger has a good gripp.

Is this for Type E? it seems does not take into consideration the earth pin

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@OttoDIY Oh, sorry. I misread the question. It is for type F. I'll upload a Type E version but I have no way to test it. Hope it is ok. Apologies

@drodfro no worries, thanks for the updated version I can print and let you know.

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