HSW Mechanical Electromagnet Holders

Holders for my Mechanical Electromagnet Pickup Tool (with + without Shield) for Honeycomb Storage Wall (HSW) by @RostaP
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
22.00 g
updated April 5, 2024



I love the Honeycomb Storage Wall by @RostaP enough to now have a 30-panel wall in my workroom - covering 108cm x 111cm (nearly 4 feet x 4 feet)!  All of the outer panels have a solid frame thanks to the fabulous Honeycomb storage wall with borders remix by @Waldmops_249902!

The Mechanical Electromagnet Pickup Tool that I just designed didn't have a holder for the Honeycomb Storage Wall - until now...

I have designed two holders that each secure the Mechanical Electromagnet Pickup Tool using (up to) six 8mm by 2mm neodymium magnets and have an M3 hole for attachment to the honeycomb storage wall with  the @RostaP insert-with-M3.stl insert.  The Shield version of the holder works with the tool alone OR with the optional Shield attached.  The tool-only version of the holder works with the tool alone.

The provided STL files can be printed in PLA or PETG and do not require supports.

IMPORTANT!  For both the Shield version and the tool-only version of the holder, three 8mm by 2mm magnets should be glued (with SuperGlue or similar) into each of the 2 magnet pockets - being sure to glue each magnet in place and being sure to align the magnetic poles with the magnets already installed on your Mechanical Electromagnet Pickup Tool!

Several 8mm by 2mm spacers have been provided for use ONLY if you choose to use fewer than three magnets per pocket - in which case, the spacers should be glued in place below the magnets.

PrusaSlicer 3MF files are provided for PLA (see details below).

G-code files are provided for the Original Prusa MK4 (see details below).

The HSW Mechanical Electromagnet Holder (Shield version) seen in the photos was printed on an Original Prusa MK4 with Sunlu White/Blue Glow-in-the-dark PLA using Input Shaper with a 0.4mm nozzle at 0.2mm layer height with a 15% gyroid infill - using 4 shells and other speed/fan/temperature adjustments - since the Glow-in-the-dark PLA doesn't have great layer-to-layer adhesion.

The HSW Mechanical Electromagnet Holder (tool-only version) seen in the photos was printed on an Original Prusa MK4 with FilaCube Yellow PLA using Input Shaper with a 0.4mm nozzle at 0.2mm layer height with a 15% gyroid infill and the Prusament PLA profile.  This version is shown mounted on a wall stud using a small drywall screw.

Note that both versions of this Mechanical Electromagnet Holder were designed for the honeycomb storage wall, but could be attached to any wall using a small screw!

Be sure to check out my other designs - including more honeycomb storage wall (HSW) accessories, universal key covers, and a diverse collection of household accessories and 3D printing tools - on Printables at https://www.printables.com/@PhilCaruso_661446/models



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Designed two holders for my mechanical electromagnet pickup tool for attachment to Honeycomb Storage Wall by @RostaP
