GT1P FTIP v2pro Mouse Mod with Sidebuttons

I'am proud to present my own right hander and left hander fingertip GT1P shell creation for Razer V2 Pro internals.…
updated January 14, 2025



I'am proud to present my own right hander and left hander fingertip GT1P shell creation for Razer V2 Pro internals.

GT1P by ㄷㅇㅇㄴㅆㅇㅁㄹ

Thanks to tyuhn for the inspirations.

U should consider sanding the click area where it touches the switch and use some alutape / mylar tape e.g. to have the best click feeling. You can also try to put on thin dots (height below 0.8mm, better 0.6mm). I personally did my own mylar tape dots with 2 layer of 3M 4828 0.15mm + 3m 9495 LE 300LSE with a perforator).

Also v2pro pcbs are sometimes different unlike GPX so please adjust for your needs.

If you want to know how to pro extend the sidebutton cable please write me a message on x or here. If you live in europe we can maybe organize something.

If you do not want sidebuttons at all just leave it empty ;) you can also break out the unnecessary parts if you need. A ultralightweight version without any sidebutton support maybe is planned. But i am not sure.

Stay tuned & please follow me here & on x please: coolm0dz


  • Print in PLA with support where needed. Best use 0.20 or 0.18 layer height. 15% infill for best sturdiness. 5% for best weight.
  • I prefer Spectrum PRO PLA Black. Gives best details in print.
  • Lube the slide in plugs of the main clicks with lubricant so they slide in easier. I use Synco Lube from Super Lube.
  • If it is too complicated to slide the buttons in/out just widen the slide in a bit with a flat screwdriver or use a thin nail file. Sometimes it is very hard to get the buttons out. Sorry for that ;) You can also push out the clicks with a thin 0.8mm flat object or thin nail file from the bottom. If slide in of your parts is still to tight use sandpaper or nail file to reduce the end thickness a bit of the clickslide in parts.
  • Place the battery in the back and a little bit to the RMB side (RH) or to the LMB side (LH) to make the weight distribution best
  • Fix the sidebutton pcb with some 3m adhesive to the holder. Or use some hotglue.
  • Do not screw the screws too tight. It can damage the shell or make the base warp. But if screws are too loose click perfomance can be worse. So find a good way.
  • Version printed in PLA with Prusa i3 MK3S+ & BROZZL nozzle Ruby for E3D V6 0.4mm.
  • If you want to get it more weight reduced use ABS. -25-30% weight.
  • Be aware that it is a free mod. I am not responsible for any damage or harm you do to yourself or your parts ;)

Print Settings

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Doesn't Matter







Filament: Spectrum Pro PLA Pro Black


Best prints i get with Spectrum Pro Black. Other filaments extrude to much sometimes.

Some live images ================

Apply here adhesive

Custom mylar dots.

Category: Computer


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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