Universal Cookie Transport Safe

Tired of your cookies getting crushed in your lunchbox (or your kid's lunchbox). Give this parameterized safe a try.
updated March 21, 2024


We love oreo cookies, but in a school lunchbag with a drink can lead to some crummy consequences. So a sturdy “safe” was needed to keep those cookies safe until lunch time. The default model here is dimensioned for 3 standard (not double-stuffed) oreo cookies.

But maybe you love a different kind of cookie. I thought of that too, so the Universal Cookie Transport is parameterized. Fork the source document, adjust the values for the cookie dimensions, buffer space, and cookie count and voila you've got a perfectly adjusted jar to keep your cookies safe in your lunch box.

Here is the OnShape source document: link. You can copy this workspace and edit the values for #cookiediameter, #cookiethickness, #cookiebufferspace, and #numberofcookies according to the taste of your sweet tooth. If you do not feel comfortable creating an OnShape account, that's totally okay. Send me a message with your values and I'll generate a new one for you.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
