Wheel of Whatever (WOW)

Because making a decision is hard.
updated April 8, 2024



The intent of this model was to provide a flexible roulette wheel design which can be use to empower your ideas, just let the end use guide your choices.   The Wheel of Whatever (WOW) has been designed using magnets which are imbedded into the fly wheel and in the message plates.  Simply slide the message tags into the fly wheel and connect the pre and post messages.  Then spin the wheel.  To remove the messages from the fly wheel an ejection pin has been created to fit into a hole on the back of the rear panel.  Once your done using the ejection pin it can be stored away in its cubby located on the side of the panel.

For me, I plan to use it to help my team make a decisive decide on what type of food we should have for our Friday lunches.  However the project is not limited to food only selections, using the OpenScad files provided you can tailor your own messages and themes in just a few minutes.   See the Automation section for more details.

Lastly, I wanted to add a place to store the messages and tags I created, so I added a little storage drawer just for fun.

Warning: The first time I put this together I got a bit crazy with the magnets.  This was a mistake in short the wheel would not spin.  On my second attempt, I took a more pragmatic approach and only added a few magnets to the rear panel then tested how well it spun and indexed.  My final result ended up using 4 x  5mm  Dia.  x 2.75mm neodymium magnets.  As shown in the image provided.  3 were used to attract the magnets an one was used to repel the magnet.  Depending on the strength of yours you could need more or less.


Bill of Materials:

1 x Tube of Gel super Glue

10mm Dia. x 2.0mm neodymium magnets:

  • Spinner Wheel:  (18)
  • Pre-Message: (2)
  • Post-Message: (2)
  • Message Tags: (18) for 9 messages

5mm  Dia.  x 2.75mm neodymium magnets:

  • Spinner Panel Rear :  (4)

3mm  Dia.  x 5.0mm neodymium magnets:

  • Spinner Panel Front:  (1)
  • Base Cabinet Upper: (4)
  • Base Cabinet Drawer: (8)

3mm x 15mm long flat head cap screws

  • Base Cabinet Upper: (2)

3mm x 12mm long socket head cap screws

  • Spinner Panel Rear: (5)

3mm x 10mm long socket head cap screws

  • Base Cabinet Drawer: (1)
  • Base Cabinet Lower: (4)
  • Ejection Pin: (2)
  • Spinner Panel Rear: (1)

3mm Threaded x 5mm brass inserts 

  • Spinner Panel Front: (5)
  • Knob: (1)
  • Base Cabinet Upper: (4)
(1)  x  6807-2RS Deep Groove Ball Bearing.


Printer and Printer Settings:

Printer: Ender 3 v2

Material: PLA

Layer Height: 2.0

Supports: As little as possible. For the lager prints I included a mask to help adhere the print to the build plate, however you may not need to do this.


Important Printing Notes:

  • Spinner Panel Front:  Requires supports for the 5mm lip at the bottom of the piece.  The remainder of the part should not have any supports printed and must be blocked.  Using my slicer application I created a pause at layer 30 using a post processing command. This pause is required, as it allows for the insertion of the Pre-Message Insert, Post-Message insert and the Spin-Now insert.  Remember to add the magnets into the pre and post message inserts prior to continuing the print. See Images for reference.
  • Each of the inserts where printed with a brim, then I trimmed the brim leaving some of it to help secure the inserts during the print.   



The following OpenSCAD files have been provided to help you create a theme for your wheel. A theme consist of a 1 Pre-Message,  1 Post-Message and 9 Message Tags. The following OpenScad file can help you generate them with out the use of a cad application.

WheelPreMessagePlate.scad: Larger plaque located at the top of the front panel.  One Pre-message plaque max required.  Each plaque require two 10mm magnets for mounting.  See file for usage instructions.

WheelTags.scad: Smaller tags which are inserted into the spinning wheel, though the front panel. Each plaque require two 10mm magnets for mounting.  The spinning wheel allows for a maximum of nine tags.   See file for usage instructions.

WheelPostMessagePlate.scad: Smaller plaque located at the bottom of the front panel. One Post-message plaque max required.  Each plaque require two 10mm magnets for mounting. .  See file for usage instructions.


CAD Model:

I have also included the FreeCAD model for you to download and alter should you want to make enhancements.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
