SOLA Spirit level wall mount

Wall mount for SOLA spirit levels (25mm width)
5h 19m
4× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
65.00 g
updated November 1, 2024



ENGLISH description:


My dad is using SOLA spirit levels for his work, so he asked me to do some. I took the original model shape, added some fillets, logos of his brand and there it is. 

Printing instructions: 

■ Steel sheet 
➔ at your own preference (textured PEI for PETG material)

■ Nozzle
➔ 0.4

■ Material 

■ Infill        
➔ at least 30% or higher

■ Circuits      
➔ 3 

■ Supports      
➔ NO


SK/CZ popis:


Otec používá v práci SOLA vodováhy a spýtal sa ma, či by som mu nevedel vyrobiť nejaký držiak do auta. Neni problém, pár “minut” vo fusione 360 a vyšlo z toho niečo takéto. 


➔I will be very grateful for every download and comment feedback you post. Have a nice day!

Remixed by peto.r_ in 2024


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Changed the orientation of spirit level to wall, added some layers for toughness and added Brand logo on the sides of the mount.
