Coastline and Topographic Lithophane Earth Globes

Two Earth globes, Coastline Topographic, on rotating stands, with LED illuminators in the center.
updated February 28, 2024



Printed for a festival on geographic graphics, I made two lithophane lithospheres: world globes that show their detail when you turn on the LED at their center. They sit on stands on lazy susans.

Only the .3mf files are uploaded for some of the parts because I the version of PrusaSlicer I used to create the negative objects doesn't allow me to save the result as an STL.

The half globes are joined with a few drops of cyanoacrlyic glue.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I resized the globes to 100mm in diameter, and in PrusaSlicer I subtracted a sphere 96mm in diameter so that, when lit from within, the oceans would be brighter than the land.

In PrusaSlicer I resized the Stand for a spherical object for my 100mm diameter

In PrusaSlicer I subtracted a 6mm cylinder from the center of the South Pole so I could put an LED in the center.

Each globe rests on a lazy suzan I wrote in OpenSCAD, powered by a single 605 skateboard bearing. I used circular infill for the top and bottom layers to get the nice surface.

Edit: rather than concentric, if you use Archimedean chords for the top and bottom infill patterns you'll get rid of an annoying seam line.

For the LED illuminators, I used the Compact LED Light for CR2032 documented here. I wired up the battery holders using stiff wire, then used an alligator clip as a clamp to solder the white LEDs at the right height so that the LED would be at the center when everything was assembled.  I used a drop of hot glue on the top of the holder to make sure the LED stood upright. The LED is wired with the long, +, leg to the outside, and the battery goes in negative side up. The battery doubles as the on-off switch: push it all the way in to turn on, push it out a bit to turn off. No resistor needed. 


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